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Carton Flow Wheel Bed

Wheel beds’ innovative designs allow businesses to place aninventory of varying sizes within a carton flow system without moving any equipment. This unique product fits right into new or an existing rack system and allows for easily created flow lanes. Additionally, in-feed guides can be set-up and adjusted with ease.

Wheel beds are constructed with a row of wheels that are suspended between two lanes. Each row is assembled on a single axle that allows the wheels to move independently of each other.

Businesses that require order picking, or those with inventory thatvaries significantlyin product sizes and storage requirements, should consider installing a wheel bed.These carton flow systems offer greater versatility than dedicated full-widthroller lanes. The continuous bed of wheels allows distribution center and warehouse operations to have up to90% space utilization. Thefull shelf bed of wheels provides maximum flexibility for mixed carton sizes- without changing the carton flow shelving system.

Order picking is one of the most labor-intensive and time-consuming processes ofa business. Wheel bed carton flow racks allow your business to operate more efficiently by consolidating various products onto the same shelves, utilizing storage space more efficiently.This type of inventory management solution boosts productivity,increases efficiency, and reduces processing times for order picking.

This system is incredibly efficient where high-traffic picking is customary.

How Wheel Beds Differ from Dedicated Roller Lanes

Wheel beds are easily adjustable and are designed with re-slotting in mind.Wheel beds align side-by-side and offer a continuous carton flow across a full shelf or pallet rack system. This permits wheel beds to accommodate products of nearly any size that fits on the rack. Dedicated full-width roller lanes, on the other hand, can only accommodate a product up to a finite size based on the size of the roller lane.

While traditional roller lanes may provide a better carton flow, wheel beds are ideal for space optimization and product consolidation. Many businesses with a changing or varied product line requiring re-slotted bays will benefit greatly from wheel bed type carton flow shelves.

The Benefits of Wheel Beds

Wheel beds offer businesses greater flexibility for carton flow and more efficiency with changing product lines. You can easily adjust newly added or resized products on a wheel bed: Simply change the infeed guides to match the new product’s dimensions, and process carton flow.

This flexible, innovative design makes wheel beds particularly popular in the candy industry where carton sizes vary greatly from product to product. Wheel beds come with a choice of plastic, steel, or aluminum wheels.

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