Carton flow racks are high-density storage systems that use a series of inclined rollers to move inventory from the back of the rack to the front. This design allows for quick and easy inventory rotation, making it an ideal storage solution for businesses with high volume turnover rates.
You can use carton flow racks in many applications, industries, and facility types. Carton flow racks may be the perfect solution if you’re looking for a way to increase your storage density and improve your inventory picking efficiency.
Carton flow racks employ multiple inclined beds of rollers that allow inventory to slide naturally from the back of the rack to the front using natural gravitational forces. For this reason, carton flow racks are also known as roller racks or gravity flow racks.
A carton flow rack system has two sides: the entry point, where inventory is inserted, and the exit point, from which personnel can retrieve boxes and pallets. This system is ideal for split-case or piece-picking from multiple SKUs.
The carton flow rack system works according to the First In, First Out (FIFO) principle; the first box or pallet inserted into the system is the first to face the picking aisle. This unique design allows for quick and easy inventory rotation, making it an ideal storage solution for businesses with high volume turnover rates.
Carton flow racks are a valuable high-density rack storage system employed in various applications and environments. Although the name suggests they are primarily used to store and manage boxed goods, carton flow racks can also support crates and pallets.
If you are considering installing a carton flow racking system for your business or storage space, here are some of the benefits they can offer you
Multiple environments and industries can utilize carton flow systems, such as warehouses, distribution centers, and manufacturing plants.
Warehouses are often high-density storage environments where it is crucial to optimize space and manage inventory effectively. Carton flow systems can help increase storage density and improve warehouse inventory management.
The quick and easy inventory rotation of carton flow racks can help to keep inventory organized and accessible, making it easier to find and retrieve items.
Distribution centers are high-volume environments where personnel must pick and move inventory as accurately and efficiently as possible. Carton flow racks augmented with a split-case system allow distribution center personnel to separate boxes into individual compartments, making it easy to select and pack items for distribution.
Manufacturing plants often need to access specific inventory quickly and efficiently. For instance, a machine manufacturing plant must be able to locate individual parts for assembly as promptly as possible. The quick and easy access to inventory that carton flow systems provide can help to increase workflow efficiency and enhance inventory organization in manufacturing plants.
Automotive part suppliers often need to store and distribute many distinct parts and SKUs. Personnel must pick auto parts and elements of all sizes quickly and efficiently (e.g., rim bolts, suspension springs, brake discs, exhaust pieces, etc.).
Carton flow systems are ideal for auto part suppliers because they allow personnel to increase their facility’s storage density, separate and organize SKUs efficiently, and improve parts picking efficiency.
At Shelving + Rack Systems, Inc., we aim to provide the best pallet rack storage systems for warehouses, distributors, factories, and any other industrial space in need of quality inventory storage solutions. Browse our catalog and find the ideal pallet flow racking system for your business today.